Save the date!!! I will be reading an excerpt from my book Gatekeepers of Eden on March 6th, 2022. This will not be a live event, but I will be posting the video on my social media accounts. Come join me! There will be stories, candles, blankets, instrumental music, my dogs, and wine…lots of wine…to..
Publishing your novel feels a lot like being on Space Mountain, the roller coaster ride at Disney World. First you have the initial high, feeling on top of the world when you complete your manuscript. But then you try navigating the publishing world and your confidence drops. And then you realize how difficult it is..
I’m sharing this beautiful quote with you today because it embodies the main reasons I feel compelled to write. If you’re an author or poet…why do you write? đź’‹ Lanie Mores Photo credit: CanStockPhoto/konradbak
Happy new year! Welcome to my first blog post of 2022! As usual, I thought I’d start with a recap of the previous year…good ole 2021. However, since it was another strange, crappy, Covid-centered year, I’ll keep this part brief. Here are a few of my highlights from last year. 1) My third book, Sea of..
It’s been dubbed the “sitting disease”; a cluster of negative health concerns that result from a sedentary lifestyle. You might be picturing someone flopped on the couch all day binge-watching Netflix with an endless bowl of popcorn perched on their lap. You may think this problem could never affect you. But statistics show that the..
Our perception of the world, of everything we encounter, is filtered through the five main senses: sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell. Without these senses, we wouldn’t be able to make sense of our environment. Similarly, if you neglect to include the sensory experience in your writing, people won’t be able to make sense of..
Here we are at the tail end of 2020, and what a crazy year it has been! At the outset, I don’t think we could have predicted how it would unfold, instead imagining it would be the best year ever. In reality, it was a trying year for so many reasons: the virus, endless quarantine..
To say 2020 has been an atypical year is a blatant understatement. A global pandemic, riots, floods, earthquakes, fires, crashes, murder hornets…we’ve had our fair share this year. The global effects are devastating and will linger long past the end of the year, requiring plenty of time for us to recover both mentally and financially. So,..
My writing journey has been an eventful one, filled with highs and lows, and a lot of in-betweens. I’m slowly reaching goals I’ve set for myself, while simultaneously creating new goals I’d like to reach. I have two self-published books, a third novel about to be released and two works-in-progress. But the truth is, I’m..
One of my goals for 2020, documented on my New Year’s Resolutions list, was to enter several literary award contests. With a lot of help from my marketing team at Tellwell Talent, I made a list of different contests for which my books would be eligible in regard to being self-published and in the science..