Amazing advancements in technology have undoubtedly made our lives easier. You can shop online, accessing stores worldwide who then ship the purchases directly to your doorstep. No need to peruse thousands of books and journals at the library when conducting research…simply click a button on your laptop for instant answers. Lose your keys…want to pay..
There is a lengthy list of popular films, television shows, and novels based on the premise of recombinant DNA technology gone awry: Orphan Black, Splice, Jurassic Park, Resident Evil, Rampage, and let’s not forget The Island of Doctor Moreau, a classic. Scientists messing around with nature, messing around with the building blocks of life..
After spending the past two weeks promoting my debut novel, FATHER OF CONTENTION, I’ve come to a decisive conclusion…Thunder Bay, you have a giant heart! Although I haven’t coined the slogan, I definitely experienced its relevance in the response I received at both Chapters and Thundercon 2018. Even if people weren’t interested in the genre..
Fall is the busiest season in my opinion, with children heading back to school, extracurricular activities kicking into full gear, as is my full time job as my son’s chauffeur, and my personal training business exploding as people strive to get back into an exercise routine. It’s only during the “in-between” times where I get..
It’s funny how you can plan an event to the most infinitesimal detail and in the end things take their own course, turning out as they may. My book launch for Father of Contention is no exception to this rule. What could go wrong, did go wrong, but in the end it was a huge success..
What better day than National Book Lover’s Day to announce the scheduled launch party of my debut novel, Father of Contention. For all of you bibliophiles out there, do I have the book for you! Chock full of suspense, romance, intrigue and loads of sciency stuff, Father of Contention will satisfy all of your literary cravings. Planning my..
Welcome to my author’s blog! Here you’ll be able to keep up to date on all of the exciting news, reviews and upcoming events surrounding the release of my new novel, FATHER OF CONTENTION and any future book launches. But, the fun doesn’t stop there. I’ll also be touching upon the main topics that inspired..