New Book Releases Alert!

I’m constantly blown away by all the support the writing community has shown me throughout my author journey. It has inspired me to give back to the community, showing my own support by welcoming some brand spanking new books into this world. If you haven’t already guessed it, I LOVE books! And discovering new books-about-to-launch..

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New Year, New Beginnings!

As we wave goodbye to 2022 and welcome the new year, it’s natural to reflect on what happened over the last twelve months. Was it a year filled with hardships or miracles, missed opportunities or newly discovered ones? Chances are it was a mixture, a combination of the good and the bad. If you’ve had..

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Of Books and Baking…

This month, I have something special in store for my November blog post and newsletter! The spotlight is on a wonderful friend I have been privileged to meet on Instagram – the amazing, talented, and beautiful author, Jennifer Moorman. We’ve collaborated on a few projects in the past, but this time has to be my..

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Fall Recap, To Winter Goals!

Do you have a favourite season? Summer has always been mine, but autumn is a very close second. This autumn has been full of fun experiences, book promotions, and fitness exploits! The time has flown by, as often happens when you’re busy and having fun! I thought I’d give you a brief rundown of what’s..

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Happy Birthday, Gatekeepers of Eden!

I can’t believe it has been one year since I released Gatekeepers of Eden into the world! It has been an exciting year promoting this fourth and final book in the Father of Contention series. I want to thank everyone who helped spread the word by sharing my posts on social media, reading my book,..

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Querying Agents for Fiction Novels

When it comes to writing, there are certain tasks an author dreads: writing back cover book blurbs, composing a short or long synopsis of their WIP, writing a catchy elevator pitch to summarize their stories into one line, or writing a query letter to agents or traditional publishers in hopes of getting their novels published…

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