A new year, a fresh start! Gosh, I love that feeling!
I feel it’s important to start the year off on the right foot. Set the tone that will carry from January through to December. Normally, for me, this would mean jumping headfirst into new writing projects and intense fitness routines. But this year, my word of inspiration and guidance is ‘change,’ so I flipped the script and instead focused on relaxation. January was all about self-love, self-care, and nurturing my inner peace, starting with a vacation on the sunny beaches of Tulum, Mexico. Tropical weather, the sound of ocean waves crashing on the beach, a book in my hand, my bestie at my side, all the yummies we could possibly eat and drink… it was everything my soul was craving, delivered in abundance. What a fabulous start to 2024!
Now that I’m filled to overflowing, I’m ready to get down to business. The year can’t all be about rest and relaxation, as much as I’d love it to be. Although I don’t set new year’s resolutions, I do have several goals lined up that I’m itching to reach this year. Some of them are professional, some are personal, and some are just for fun. Altogether, it should make for an enjoyable, productive year.
Here’s a short list of my goals for 2024:
- Cut back on social media. As much as I love the bookish community and amazing friends I’ve met online, I find that social media is like a time wormhole where I lose hours of my day that could be spent writing, creating, and enjoying time with my family. But, don’t fret. I won’t be gone completely, just cutting back a smidge.
- I’m jumping into research-and-editing mode for my WIP, Goldenhair. This dark fairytale has been spinning around my brain for decades, and now it’s clawing to get out. My goal is to have this book baby physically published by the end of the year. Fingers crossed.

- I’m going to play pickleball! My friend has been inviting me to join her for months now, and I’m finally going to do it. I even have my pickleball paddles and balls ready to go. I played tennis on my high school team, so I think this might be the sport for me. Wish me luck!
- I’m starting a new monthly feature on my Instagram page called “Buddy Reads with Lanie!” Each month I will select an Indie read, small press book, or novel written by an author friend to feature as a buddy read. I’ll be posting more about this on my page, so stay tuned for details. This is my way of inspiring more people to read Indie books and post reviews!
- Can you believe I’ve never listened to an audiobook? I just love reading so much – the feel of paper sliding between my fingers, the inky, woody smell of the pages, the letters dancing before my eyes – that I’ve never had the impulse to partake. But with their heightened popularity, and my intention to turn my own novels into audiobooks, I thought it was time I take a listen.
- I’m planning a Kickstarter Campaign to release a deluxe edition of my latest release, Code of Reanimation! This limited edition copy will contain full colour illustrations and a unique cover that you’ll want to add to your book collection! Plus, a bunch of cool swag will be available only through this campaign. More details coming soon!

- I will start a budget to get my chaotic finances in order. Again, wish me luck (I’m going to need it for this one.)
- Code of Reanimation is going on a book tour! A virtual book tour, that is. I’m currently in the process of setting this up. I’ll announce the dates on my social media pages and on my website under the News and Events tab.
- I will be exploring new marketing strategies to promote my novels.
- Fitness will always be a priority… exercising, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and practicing relaxation techniques. These healthy habits are already a part of my daily routine, so my goal is to stay on track throughout this year.
It might look like a have a lot on my plate, but when you’re working towards things that you love, it really doesn’t feel like work. And any goals I don’t reach this year, I’ll simply add onto my list for next year. If last year has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t always predict or control what happens. Obstacles can and will present themselves. There may be delays, or times when an alternate path must be taken. And that’s okay. I’ll take it in stride. It’s all part of the journey.
Wishing you the best with reaching the goals you’ve set for yourself this year, and remember to keep reading!
💋 Lanie Mores
Great goals, Lanie! I understand your need to cut back on social media. You’re right, social media sucks you in and before you know it, hours have gone by. I’m glad you won’t be completely gone, though. I’ll be starting the editing process for ‘The Guardian Angel Murders’ with Malory soon, so I’ll be busy with that. I can’t wait.😀
Thank you, Vashti! Happy editing with Malory! ❤